Shah Rukh Khan and #MyDubai - behind the scenes with Tina George

 #MyDubai is ready with #ShahRukhKhan in their third installment. We actually had one of our listeners - Tina George, - shoot with SRK in this ad and thought let's ask her all the juicy bits - behind the scenes kya kya hua :P. 
After all the blood of my blood is ... my blood - lol !!!

Shah Rukh Khan and #MyDubai - behind the scenes with Tina George

#MyDubai is ready with #ShahRukhKhan in their third installment. We actually had one of our listeners - Tina George, - shoot with SRK in this ad and thought let's ask her all the juicy bits - behind the scenes kya kya hua :P . After all the blood of my blood is ... my blood - lol !!!

Posted by City 1016 on Sunday, March 10, 2019

