A Bollywood baby from the beginning, Tia has grown up with Bollywood as her playground! Introduced early to the magic of Bollywood movies, stars, and music by her father singer Shailendra Singh – she has a unique view of the Indian Film Industry. An avid bookworm and writer, a young Mum to 2 adorable girls, TV/radio presenter and a die-hard Bombay girl who found love, life and more than a few laughs in Dubai!
President His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan has announced the UAE is starting talks with Japan to reach a Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA).
Dubai Police are calling on delivery service companies to educate drivers about safety procedures and the critical need for adherence to traffic laws.
The UAE Ministry of Interior is hosting a pivotal workshop on the GCC Strategy for Combating Drugs (2025-2028) at Etihad Towers in Abu Dhabi running until September 19.